Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Review

Cher D,

My dear dear D,

Ceritanya aku ingin seperti reviewer profesional yang membahas tulisan bagus di blog mereka. Tenang, aku tidak akan membocorkan sedikitpun tentang isi draft itu. Itu master piece kamu dan cuma kamu yang berhak memberitakannya kepada dunia.

Believe it or not, banyak sekali pelajaran yang aku ambil dari tulisan kamu itu. However, now I know the reason why you didn't want to say 'happy birthday' back then. Crazy girl! You're just so crazy and I can't wait to meet you. Now that you are a Jakarta's anak gaul (LOL?), we can always meet every weekend routinely. Shall we?

Duh kan, malah melantur! Aku kan ingin mendedikasikan blog post ini untuk menjadi reviewer yang oke tapi malah jadi kaya email yang isinya mau janjian, mau ketemu, kangen lah, apa lah, asal jangan gosip aja ya!

However, lets go back to the reviewing business...

First of all... KEMANA AJA KAMU SELAMA INI??? Aku dan Wulan selalu membahas tentang tulisan dan kamu tidak pernah ikut berdiskusi tentang itu. Aneh deh ini bocah! Bikin bete (tuh kan lagi-lagi kaya email, yaudahlah ampuni hamba-mu yang lemah tak berdaya ini). Dasar, memang ya semua sahabat cewekku pasti writers. Maybe that is why we are so close, because we know that sometimes writings speak louder than any verbal expressions.

Second of all, you are like really really ahead of me. Cerita kamu adalah apa yang kini ada di jalanku. Aku sedang menuju kesana dan sedang berusaha untuk sampai ke tahap "the end of the tunnel." Itulah mengapa aku takut sekali membuka beberapa lembaran terakhir. Takut mengutuki diriku sendiri. Sangat takut... dan ketakutan ku terbukti, aku menangis (met yaw!).

Third of all, kamu bohong! Banyak typo apaan orang draft ini termasuk 'clean' kok! Tapi seriously, I am super biased though. I cannot be a good editor right now. You should ask someone yang objektif deh. Aku lagi tidak bisa objektif soalnya. Abis ceritanya sejalan sih ya, jadinya sini malah kalut bacanya. Therefore, do not trust my judgment at the moment.

Tapi, one thing that I am sure...
It is a master piece.

Sebagai penulis (kali ini bisa netral kok, not biased anymore. Maaf ya orang galau ga konsisten gini ngomongnya.) aku sangat kagum dengan alur dan cara kamu menceritakan. Aku suka variasi bentuk tulisan dalam draft ini. Tidak melulu monoton seperti novel, cerita dari awal sampai akhir, ini adalah buah pikiran. I don't wanna call it as a novel because I don't think it is. This is your ideas. Your thoughts. And please... share it to the world, si'l te plait?

If you are not comfortable with how 'genuine' this piece is, do not share yourself to the world. I like your name in there though... Maybe it is better to be an anonymous writer, so you can express your feeling through your pen freely. No judgement. No scrutiny. You can share yourself while hiding it behind anonymity at the same time.

Every author knows that the best story comes from their own experience.

Every writer understands that their master piece will always be inspired by a perfect muse; a person who gives you many roller coaster feelings and memories that you will always cherish. Even the painful memories bring smile to your face because your muse is just worth it. You are just so afraid to lose those memories, you want to document them.

Your muse...

He deserves your happiness.
He deserves your pain.
Even if the world says that he does not deserve a huge love like that but sadly (or fortunately?) there is no deserving or undeserving in love.

Congratulation D!
For having the best story a woman can have!

Why do I call it as the 'best story' for you?
Because you have grown so much because of it!
Because you are now closer to Him... you are now on the right path!

You are stronger!
You are wiser!
You are more amazing...

You are now becoming your own happiness.
You are complete even if your heart is incomplete in some way or another...

You are OK even if you are brOKen...

You are a survivor.

And I am so proud of you.

(kok nama aku bisa jadi Dwenda sih?)

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