Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Separation was weird. Some people considering it as a normal thing, but others said it was the moment of sadness. I agreed with the second opinion for now. Separation was breaking our hearts which was painful and it was sucks.

When she held me so tight and said goodbye plus thank you I felt okay but when I saw she was walking away from that door… I felt like there was a part of me that would be gone with her.

I’m gonna miss a moment where I went to her room and did some crazy stuff. Talked for hours till we both fell asleep. Wrote in a coffee shop till we both ended up wrote nothing because we talked more instead.

I know it’s silly and super cheesy but I’m gonna miss you…

I know you’re gonna laugh when you read this post because I was the one whom being the expressionless—I’m not good at showing off any emotion. Too much happen today and you know that I have to study it out first.

Just remember this is what you want though, so I want you to go for it…

We’re gonna be fine.

Best friends will always has their own way to meet again and when we meet we’ll still be the same…


Your Most Favorite Love Struck and Cold Bitch Boho Mate