Today she opted to walk home, not in the mood to ride her bike. She loved this city during their so called summer afternoon. The sun was almost set, spreading its color to the blue sky. It was simply lovely. The temperature was okay, while the was another story to tell.
When she walked downtown, she thought about having a coffee break. She could watch people and listen to her iPod. Enjoying her quite time before it got hectic again, tonight. Yeah, a couple of hours would not hurt her articles. She entered her favorite cafe and stopped rather abruptly when she saw him queued. She tried to calm her nerve down and stood behind him, it wasn't like he would remember her.
Her fellow PhD student, yet his qualification was just way above her. He was also really handsome and tall, like all the guys Taylor Swift was singing about--unless, his skin was more golden with sandy blonde hair. Typical Caucasian. She could not help but thanked her lucky stars for giving her a fine sight for her sore eyes. Well, reading journals after journals for hours did that to her, obviously.
"I would like a double shot espresso, please." He ordered with his velvety baritone voice with a warm smile.
There was something about him that pulled her greatly. It was not only his look, considering the fact that she lived in a country where finest genes were produced. It was his kind but guarded eyes. She felt like he was so diplomatic with his life. From what she saw and heard about him during their first semester, he was a very friendly, smart and cheerful guy. Yet, she felt something was still different. There was more of him behind those hazel eyes.
There was something about him that pulled her greatly. It was not only his look, considering the fact that she lived in a country where finest genes were produced. It was his kind but guarded eyes. She felt like he was so diplomatic with his life. From what she saw and heard about him during their first semester, he was a very friendly, smart and cheerful guy. Yet, she felt something was still different. There was more of him behind those hazel eyes.
"Your order please, Miss?" The other barista was suddenly open the other register, brought her back to reality.
"Oh... Umm... can I have a hot chai tea latte, please?"
"It's a coffee shop, you know, and they do have great coffee. It's too good to be missed." He said while waiting for his change. She looked at him rather surprisingly, before composing her demeanor.
"I'm not really a coffee person." She shrugged indifferently and gave the register several euros for her tea, while inside, she felt like dancing and jumping and did all those girly stuff.
"You are a PhD student, how could you not a coffee person?" He followed her to wait for their order.
"Well, coffee and I? I think I have a love-hate relationship with them. Are you a heavy coffee drinker?" She asked him, genuinely curious.
"Only when it is necessary."
"That's okay, I guess. But wait, how could you know that I am a PhD student?" She knew it was normal for him to know that, but an ego booster wouldn't hurt, would it?
Suddenly, he weirdly look nervous and cleared his throat. "Ummm...I think I saw you in the library a lot."
"Yeah, definitely library." He answered and put his hand in his pants' pocket--clearly fidgeting--made her want to grin so wide, it hurt.
"Funny, I rarely work in Library other than picking up references." Decided to have mercy on him, she smiled again. "I'm Avni, it's nice to finally meet you, Schylar."
He chuckled over her recognition and smiled sheepishly, "I know you, Avni."
"Likewise..." She smiled softly and butterflies exploded in her guts. Damn, she felt like a fool now. Like a love struck--more likely a fan-girl, since he was so popular.
Eventually, he took both of their cups and looked at her warmly, "Shall we?"
"Lead the way." She said and let him picked their table. Once he stopped, she smiled softly because he chose her favorite table near the big wide window.
And there they sat until the sun was finally set.
Until he walked her to her doorstep and promised another coffee break together with her.
Until her spot became theirs.
Until days became weeks.
And weeks became months...
Until now.
Until now.
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