Monday, October 15, 2012

Her Deep Failure

I did not even have any chance to say goodbye.
I did not even have a chance to see his last smile.
I did not even have a time to kiss him goodbye.
I did not even have any chance to say that i do really care and love him deeply.
I did not even have any time to make him proud.

Pictures of little granddaughters.
Pictures of me from social network.

Above all...
Pictures of her...
Her once IV from four years ago...
You never forget about her. You have been waiting to be with her for four years...

How could we be so blind?

I did not know all of those old facts...
Tears not enough to repair that failure.

My Grumpy Yet Lovely Old Man

Well, he is always waking up when the sun rise and shine without any hesitate in every morning
He was a Captain of one big ship once
He is a Captain in this family. A captain without any co-captain.
Apparently his wing woman had flown away with her wings to heaving.
Left him with his broken wings.
But he is so strong. He do not take pity. He hates pity.
His pride is incredible. Unbearable. But it is amazing...
He never loses his glory.
He is feared by people. He is loved by his family.
He does have a broken wing. No, not broken, but only one wing left in his strong back side.
He never complains about that. He might make some mistake but he never meant any harm.

He is loved but it is not enough to fill any emptiness in his heart.
Loneliness is his identity. Loner is the person he becomes.
But he never really alone...
Maybe we just give him space that he needed.
Maybe we just not being slapped enough by his fragile presence.
Maybe we just too proud, yes, our ego is much bigger than his. But he was a captain, we’re just a child. We have no right to boast aroung and spill bullshit. Yes, we have no right...
Maybe we just love him in our unique way, do we?

Unique way?
I thought the line is truly defensive.
He had built his wall once, now he is to afraid to break our wall. Have we done something to brick his wall? Are we still shielded by our own wall untill now?
Is it his fault?
Is it our fault?
Is it my fault...

Dear God, please let him be okay...
Let my old man be okay...
Let us prove that we do make effort to break his once thick wall...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hidden Message from JM

"I will wait until you have passed your shadow days which are caused by something like Olivia. Since my age of worry has gone now, I will be glad to show you that love is a verb.  You will always be a face to call home for me..."


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Paris? Backpacker and Love

Lady Antebellum: Just A Kiss

Watch it and trust me, this one will lead you directly to your backpack and the city of love, Paris!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Suatu Tempat Bernama Pengadilan

"Pengadilan adalah tempat dimana semua rasa bercampur menjadi satu. Kecuali satu rasa... rasa menghakimi.
Karena memang bukan kita yang berhak menghakimi. Setiap orang punya alasannya sendiri mengapa ia duduk di bangku Terdakwa. Setiap orang punya alasan ketika ia memilih untuk duduk berhadapan sebagai Tergugat ataupun Penggugat. 
Ya, setiap orang punya alasan. 
Termasuk para wakil Tuhan, mereka juga punya alasan ketika mengambil keputusan dan mengetok palu. Tetapi sebagai penonton, saya tidak punya alasan untuk menghakimi. Saya hanya bisa menyaksikan potongan fase kehidupan dimana keadilan adalah sesuatu yang berharga dan dicari. 
Keadilan? Bagaimana dirimu bisa menjadi Tuhan jika saat kau dijunjung di posisi tertinggi, kau justru berbalik menjadi ketidakadilan. 
Hukum memang rumit. Well, tidak heran karena toh kepala dan hati yang menciptakannya juga begitu rumit...yeah, kepala dan hati milik manusia.... 
Jangan pernah mengharapkan Hukum untuk menjadi sempurna, karena manusia tidak sempurna. Dan sampai kapanpun ketidaksempurnaan tidak akan pernah bisa menciptakan kesempurnaan."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One Day

"I love you, Dexter. I love you so much. But I don't like you anymore, you're not you used to be..."

Extreme Way

Extreme way is a way that you take when you are in a very extremely confusing situation... Well, to get outta from that messed up situation you need the extreme way. I guess.

Its not that easy.
Elegy is a deadly toxic.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kutipan Surat Cinta Kahlil Gibran Untuk-Nya

"Kau, di atas salib… lebih jaya dan lebih bermartabat daripada seribu raja di atas seribu singgasana dalam seribu kerajaan…
Kau, dalam kepedihan kematian, lebih kuat daripada seribu jenderal dalam seribu perang…

Dengan kesedihan-Mu, Kau lebih jaya daripada musim semi dengan bunga-bunganya…
Dengan penderitaan-Mu, Kau diam dengan lebih berani daripada jeritan malaikat surga…

Di depan pencambuk-Mu, Kau lebih tegar daripada gunung batu…
Rangkaian duri-Mu lebih indah daripada mahkota Bahtar… 
Kuku yang menusuk tangan-Mu lebih indah daripada pemandangan Jupiter…
Kucuran darah di kaki-Mu lebih berharga daripada kalung Ishtar...

Maafkan orang lemah yang berkabung untuk-Mu hari ini, karena mereka tidak tahu bagaimana berkabung untuk diri mereka sendiri.
Maafkan mereka, karena mereka tidak tahu bahwa Kau telah menaklukkan kematian dengan kematian, dan menundukkan kehidupan pada yang mati.
Maafkan mereka karena mereka tidak tahu kekuatan-Mu masih menunggu mereka.
Maafkan mereka, karena mereka tidak tahu bahwa setiap hari adalah hari-Mu."

Puisi oleh Kahlil Gibran